C++ OOPs: Inheritance



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Class Keyword vs Struct Keyword w.r.t. Inheritance

  • If No access level(Default) is specified for the inheritance, the compiler assumes “private” for classes declared with keyword “class” and “public” for those declared with “struct”.

Public Vs Private Vs Protected Inheritance:

  • Actually, most use cases of inheritance in C++ should use public inheritance.
  • When other access levels are needed for base classes, they can usually be better represented as member variables instead.

What is Inherited from Base Class?

  • In principle, a publicly derived class inherits access to every member of a base class EXCEPT:
    • Base class constructors and Base class destructor
    • Base class assignment operator members (operator=)
    • Base class friends
    • Base class private members
  • Even though access to the constructors and destructor of the base class is not inherited as such, they are automatically called by the constructors and destructor of the derived class.
  • Unless otherwise specified, the constructors of a derived class calls the default constructor of its base classes (i.e., the constructor taking no arguments).

    //will call default constructor of base class `Person` automatically, assume Student is derived from Person class
    Student(string szName, int iYear, string szUniversity)
      m_szUniversity = szUniversity;
  • Calling a different constructor of a base class is possible, using the same syntax used to initialize member variables in the constructor-initialization list.

    If you want to call the parametrized(user defined) constructor of a base class from a derived class
    then you need to write a parametrized constructor of a derived class as below
      Student(string szName, int iYear, string szUniversity) :Person(szName, iYear)
          m_szUniversity = szUniversity;

Public Inheritance:

  • Private, Protected, Public members accessibility with respect to Public Inheritance.

Protected Inheritance:

  • Private, Protected, Public members accessibility with respect to Protected Inheritance.

Diamond Problem solved with Virtual Inheritance

Virtual Inheritance Delegation to Sister Class
