Awards & Recognitions:

Awards & Recognitions:

Bravo Award

Awarded for Great efforts to successfully deliver Nicoya LifeSciences Atlas device project for Covid-19 detection involving Embedded Firmware, Computer Vision/Image Processing, Android Mobile App & Interface to AWS Cloud.

Kind Appreciation from the client:

     “Thank you everyone for all the hard work, effort, and late nights that you put into the Atlas hardware, firmware, and software development. We presented the Atlas device to the Canadian government today. The presentation and demonstration was a huge success! The government team was very impressed in all we accomplished in a very short time. Over the next few weeks, the govt team will be assessing the competing in-home Covid-19 test solutions. I will give you an update when I receive any news I can share with you.
     Again, thank you all for stepping up to meet the demands of this project. You can all be proud of this team accomplishment and you can brag to your friends and family that you work on projects that help to save the world!”

Bravo Award

You made a Difference

Awarded for Excellent contribution on MAC development in Screen Share application. Client was very happy with the performance…!!!

You made a Difference

Docker Container Essentials