Azure IoT Hub Overview


Azure IoT Hub

  • A cloud-hosted solution back end (Platform-as-a-service, PaaS) to connect Securely and Reliably to any device in field. Provides Per-device authentication, Device Management, Scaled Provisioning.
  • Available as an on-premises solution using Azure Stack Hub.

IoT Hub Variations

  • Two tiers/packages of IoT Hub:
    • Basic Tier
      • provides a subset of features and is intended for solutions that only need uni-directional communication from devices to the cloud.
    • Standard Tier
      • To develop full-featured and bi-directional communication capabilities
      • device-to-cloud telemetry
      • Per-device identity
      • Message routing
      • message enrichments
      • Event Grid integration
      • support for HTTP, AMQP, and MQTT protocol
      • Device Provisioning Service
      • Monitoring and diagnostics
      • Cloud-to-device messaging
      • Device twins
      • Module twins
      • Device management
      • Device streams
      • Azure IoT Edge
      • IoT Plug and Play Preview
  • Both tiers offer same kind of security and authentication.
  • IoT Hub is available in 3 sizes, to choose from depending upon the Data Throughput you are considering. Each unit of a level 1 IoT hub can handle 400 thousand messages a day, while a level 3 unit can handle 300 million.

Protocol support

  • IoT Hub supports following protocols for device connection:
    • MQTT
    • MQTT over WebSocket
    • HTTPS 1.1
    • AMQP
    • AMQP over WebSocket

Device Identity Registry:

  • Stores information about the devices and modules permitted to connect to the IoT Hub.
  • Devices needs to authenticate with the credentials stored in the registry.


  • Grants access to endpoints by verifying a token against the shared access policies and identity registry security credentials.
  • Supported certificates:
    • An existing X.509 certificate
    • CA-signed X.509 certificate
    • A self-generated and self-signed X-509 certificate

Device Twin:

  • JSON documents that store device state information, including metadata, configurations, and conditions.
  • Maintains a device twin for each device that you connect to IoT Hub.

IoT Hub Endpoints:

  • Send device-to-cloud messages
  • Receive cloud-to-device messages
  • Initiate file uploads
  • Retrieve and update device twin properties
  • Receive direct method requests
  • Additional (custom) endpoints for Azure services:
    • Azure Storage containers
    • Event Hubs
    • Service Bus Queues
    • Service Bus Topics

Device Provisioning Service:

  • Enables zero-touch, just-in-time provisioning to the right IoT Hub (~regional) without requiring human intervention, allowing the customers to provision millions of devices in a secure and scalable manner.

Telemetry Function:

  • The telemetry function involves recording and transmitting values received by an IoT device.

Direct Method invocation from IoT Hub:

  • Represent a request-reply interaction with a device.
  • This approach is useful for scenarios where the course of immediate action is different depending on whether the device was able to respond.
  • Each device method targets a single device.
    • Schedule jobs on multiple devices shows how to provide a way to invoke direct methods on multiple devices, and schedule method invocation for disconnected devices.
  • May have zero or more inputs/parameters in the method payload. (max. payload size = 128KB)
  • Invoked through a service-facing URI: {iot hub}/twins/{device id}/methods/.
  • Device receives direct methods through a device-specific MQTT topic: $iothub/methods/POST/{method name}/ or through AMQP links.
  • Direct methods are synchronous and either succeed or fail after the timeout period (default: 30 seconds, settable between 5 and 300 seconds)
  • There is no guarantee on ordering or any concurrency semantics on method calls.
  • further details

Schedule Jobs on IoT devices

  • Jobs execute device twin updates and direct methods against a set of devices at a scheduled time.
  • Consider using jobs when you need to schedule and track progress any of the following activities on a set of devices:
    • Update desired properties
    • Update tags
    • Invoke direct methods
  • Job Properties
    • jobId
    • startTime, endTime
    • type:
      • scheduleUpdateTwin: A job used to update a set of desired properties or tags.,
      • scheduleDeviceMethod: A job used to invoke a device method on a set of device twins.
    • status:
      • pending, scheduled, running, cancelled, failed, completed
    • deviceJobStatistics:
      • deviceCount
      • failedCount
      • succeededCount
      • runningCount
      • pendingCount

Cloud-to-device communication ways

Azure IoT Hub on Premise:

Lambda/Serverless Architecture few points to note:

  • The Lambda architecture of Azure IoT enables multiple paths for data storage and processing.
  • Possible issues with Lambda architecture:
    • Duplication of data and code.
    • Greater chance of an unwanted divergence between the duplicate copies.
    • There may be code duplication in the analysis apps, if there are separate apps for the hot and cold paths.
    • Costs:
      • Fast services tend to be the more expensive, slower services cheaper.
      • There’s usually a compromise to be made.