MQTT Protocol


MQTT Protocol

  • MQTT = Message Queuing Telemetry Transport Telemetry = Tele-Metering = Remote Measurements
  • Originally Developed by IBM, now Open Sourced.
  • Though MQ stands for ‘Message Queuing’, actually there’s NO Messages being Queued.
  • It’s a Publish/Subscribe mechanism.
    • Sensor Devices Publish data to the Topics/Servers/Brokers.
    • Topics are subscribed by other devices such as mobile devices those are looking for data from Sensors.
  • Low Bandwidth Protocol
    • Messages being sent by devices are very small in bytes.
    • e.g. Temperature sensor sending 100 degree reading.
  • Small Code Footprint
    • The code used for this is very small.
  • Used in:
    • Facebook Messenger for iOS and Android
    • PubNub

MQTT Ports

  • Protocol: TCP/IP
  • Ports:
    • 1883 - non-encrypted communication
    • 8883 - encrypted communication

Maximum Payload Size

  • MQTT Protocol Max Payload - 256 MBs
  • AWS IoT MQTT Max Payload - 128 KBs

Quality of Service

  • Levels:
    0 = At Most Once (Best effort, No Ack)
    - Sender does not store messages, neither the receiver sends any acknowledgement.
    - This method requires only one message and once the message is sent to the broker by the client it is deleted from the message queue.
    - Therefore QoS 0 nullifies the chances of duplicate messages, which is why it is also known as the fire and forget method.
    - It provides a minimal and most unreliable message transmission level that offers the fastest delivery effort.

    1 = At Least Once (Acknowledged, Retransmitted if Ack not received)
    - Using QoS 1, the delivery of a message is guaranteed (at least once, but the message may be sent more than once , if necessary).
    - This method needs two messages.
    - Here, the sender sends a message and waits to receive an acknowledgment (PUBACK message).
    - If it receives an acknowledgment from the client then it deletes the message from the outward-bound queue.
    - In case, it does not receive a PUBACK message, it resends the message with the duplicate flag (DUP flag) enabled.

    2 = Exactly Once
    - The QoS 2 level setting guarantees exactly-once delivery of a message.
    - This is the slowest of all the levels and needs four messages.
    - In this level, the sender sends a message (PUBLISH) and waits for an acknowledgment (PUBREC message).
    - The receiver also sends a PUBREC message.
    - If the sender of the message fails to receive an acknowledgment (PUBREC), it sends the message again with the DUP flag enabled.
    - Upon receiving the acknowledgment message PUBREC, the sender transmits the message release message (PUBREL).
    - If the receiver does not receive the PUBREL message it resends the PUBREC message.
    - Once the receiver receives the PUBREL message, It forwards the message to all the subscribing clients.
    - Note: For Sender Broker is the receiver and for Receiver Broker is the sender.
    - Thereafter the receiver sends a publish complete (PUBCOMP) message.
    - In case the sender does not receive the PUBCOMP message, it resends the PUBREL message.
    - Once the sending client receives the PUBCOMP message, the transmission process is marked as completed and the message can be deleted from the outbound queue.

  • these messages are same as used in WiFi communication.

Retained Messages

  • Server keeps messages even after sending it to all Subscribers.
  • New Subscribers get the retained messages.
    • We had seen this behavior in PubNub, where last message Published to Channel was retained till the next message is Published to that channel.
    • This Last message was available to new subscriber.
    • Only One Message is retained per Topic.
    • Usecase:
      • Sensor periodically sending a message on a topic. New subscriber will get the last state of the sensor with Retained message.
    • Reference: MQTT Retained Messages Explained

Clean Session and Durable Session

  • Clean Session:
    • Clean Session Flag = 1 [Optional]
    • All of the client’s subscriptions are removed when it disconnects from the server.
  • Durable Session:
    • Clean Session Flag = 0 [Optional]
    • The client’s subscriptions remain in effect after any disconnection.
    • In this event, subsequent messages that arrive carrying a High QoS designation are stored for delivery after the connection is reestablished.

Retained messages, Clean Session and QoS inter-related behavior
Reference: MQTT Retained Messages Explained


  • A Will or a Message is informed by client with server that should be published to a specific Topic or Topics in the event of an unexpected disconnection.
  • A Will is an alarm or security settings where system when a remote sensor has lost contact with the network.

Keep Alive Messages

  • Periodically sent

Topic Trees, Strings

  • Topics are organized Hierarchically into Topic Trees, using the ‘/’ character to create subtopics in the Topic String.
  • Topic String
    • A character string that identifies the Topic of a publish/subscribe message.
    • Topic strings can contain either of two Wildcards:
    • These WildCards Allows subscribers to match patterns within strings defined by message publishers
    • Wildcard: #:
      • Multilevel
      • used to match any number of levels within a Topic.
        • e.g. subscribers to truck/contents/# receive all messages that are designated for the topics:
        • truck/contents
        • truck/contents/rfid
    • Wildcard: +:
      • Single Level
      • used to match Just ONE Topic Level.
        • e.g. truck/+ matches truck/contents but not truck/contents/rfid

MQTT Essentials - All key features of MQTT

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MQTT Brokers Comparison

Testing Scenarios for an MQTT Broker

MQTT Broker Selection Criteria:

Running MQTT broker in Containerized mode

  • eclipse-mosquitto
    • Maintained by: the Eclipse Foundation
    • Supported architectures: (more info) amd64, arm32v6, arm64v8, i386, ppc64le, s390x