Vulnerabilities & Attack Surfaces in IoT Ecosystem


This article provides reasons for the top IoT Vulnerabilities, the attack surface of these vulnerabilities.

IoT Vulnerabilities:

1. Username Enumeration

  • It’s the Ability to collect a set of valid usernames by interacting with the authentication mechanism
  • Attach Surface:
    • Administrative Interface
    • Device & Web Interface
    • Cloud Interface
    • Mobile Application

2. Weak Passwords

  • Ability to set account passwords to ‘1234’ or ‘123456’ for example.
  • Usage of pre-programmed default passwords
  • Attack Surface:
    • Administrative Interface
    • Device & Web Interface
    • Cloud Interface
    • Mobile Application
  • Example: The Mirai Botnet (aka Dyn Attack)

3. Account Lockout

  • Ability to continue sending authentication attempts after 3 - 5 failed login attempts
  • Attack Surface:
    • Administrative Interface
    • Device & Web Interface
    • Cloud Interface
    • Mobile Application

4. Unencrypted Services

  • Network services are not properly encrypted to prevent eavesdropping or tampering by attackers
  • Attack Surface:
    • Device Network Services

5. Two-factor Authentication

  • Lack of two-factor authentication mechanisms such as a security token or fingerprint scanner
  • Attack Surface:
    • Administrative Interface
    • Cloud & Web Interface
    • Mobile Application

6. Poorly Implemented Encryption

  • Encryption is implemented however it is improperly configured or is not being properly updated, e.g. using SSL v2
  • Attack Surface:
    • Device Network Services

7. Update Sent Without Encryption

  • Updates are transmitted over the network without using TLS or encrypting the update file itself
  • Attck Surface:
    • Update Mechanism

8. Update Location Writable

  • Storage location a.k.a repository/artifactory for update files is writable by anyone, potentially allowing firmware to be modified and distributed to all users
  • Attck Surface:
    • Update Mechanism

9. Denial of Service

  • Service can be attacked in a way that denies service to that service or the entire device
  • Attck Surface:
    • Device Network Services

10. Removal of Storage Media

  • Ability to physically remove the storage media from the device
  • Attck Surface:
    • Device Physical Interfaces

11. No Manual Update Mechanism

  • No ability to manually force an update check for the device
  • Attack Surface:
    • Update Mechanism

12. Missing Update Mechanism

  • No ability to update device
  • Attck Surface:
    • Update Mechanism

13. Firmware Version Display and/or Last Update Date

  • Current firmware version is not displayed and/or the last update date is not displayed
  • Attack Surface:
    • Device Firmware

14. Firmware and storage extraction

  • Firmware contains a lot of useful information, like source code and binaries of running services, pre-set passwords, ssh keys etc.
  • Attack Surface:
    • JTAG / SWD interface
    • In-Situ dumping i.e. replacement of the original firmware by fradulant one at the same location.
    • Intercepting a OTA update
    • Downloading from the manufacturers web page
    • eMMC tapping
    • Unsoldering the SPI Flash / eMMC chip and reading it in a adapter
  • Example:

15. Manipulating the code execution flow of the device

  • With the help of a JTAG adapter and gdb we can modify the execution of firmware in the device and bypass almost all software based security controls.
  • Side channel attacks can also modify the execution flow or can be used to leak interesting information from the device
  • Attack Surface:
    • JTAG / SWD interface
    • Side channel attacks like glitching

16. Obtaining console access

  • By connecting to a serial interface, we will obtain full console access to a device
  • Usually security measures include custom bootloaders that prevent the attacker from entering single user mode, but that can also be bypassed.
  • Attack Surface:
    • Serial interfaces (SPI / UART)

17. Insecure 3rd party components

  • Out of date versions of busybox, openssl, ssh, web servers, etc.
  • Attack Surface:
    • Software

IoT Attack Surface Areas

Attack Surfaces Vulnerabilities
IoT Ecosystem :small_orange_diamond: Interoperability standards
:small_orange_diamond: Data governance
:small_orange_diamond: System wide failure
:small_orange_diamond: Individual stakeholder risks
:small_orange_diamond: Implicit trust between components
:small_orange_diamond: Enrollment security
:small_orange_diamond: Decommissioning system
:small_orange_diamond: Lost access procedures
Device Memory :small_orange_diamond: Sensitive data
     :small_orange_diamond: Cleartext usernames
     :small_orange_diamond: Cleartext passwords
     :small_orange_diamond: Third-party credentials
     :small_orange_diamond: Encryption keys
Device Physical Interfaces :small_orange_diamond: Firmware extraction
:small_orange_diamond: User CLI
:small_orange_diamond: Admin CLI
:small_orange_diamond: Privilege escalation
:small_orange_diamond: Reset to insecure state
:small_orange_diamond: Removal of storage media
:small_orange_diamond: Tamper resistance
:small_orange_diamond: Debug port
     :small_orange_diamond: UART (Serial)
     :small_orange_diamond: JTAG / SWD
:small_orange_diamond: Device ID/Serial number exposure
Device Web Interface :small_orange_diamond: Standard set of web application vulnerabilities, see:
     :small_orange_diamond: OWASP Web Top 10
     :small_orange_diamond: OWASP ASVS
     :small_orange_diamond: OWASP Testing guide
:small_orange_diamond: Credential management vulnerabilities:
:small_orange_diamond: Username enumeration
:small_orange_diamond: Weak passwords
:small_orange_diamond: Account lockout
:small_orange_diamond: Known default credentials
:small_orange_diamond: Insecure password recovery mechanism
Device Firmware :small_orange_diamond: Sensitive data exposure (See OWASP Top 10 - A6 Sensitive data exposure):
     :small_orange_diamond: Backdoor accounts
     :small_orange_diamond: Hardcoded credentials
     :small_orange_diamond: Encryption keys
     :small_orange_diamond: Encryption (Symmetric, Asymmetric)
     :small_orange_diamond: Sensitive information
     :small_orange_diamond: Sensitive URL disclosure
:small_orange_diamond: Firmware version display and/or last update date
:small_orange_diamond: Vulnerable services (web, ssh, tftp, etc.)
     :small_orange_diamond: Verify for old sw versions and possible attacks (Heartbleed, Shellshock, old PHP versions etc)
:small_orange_diamond: Security related function API exposure
:small_orange_diamond: Firmware downgrade possibility